Tuesday 2 December 2014

Can New Innovations Arrest the Decline of Print Advertising?

Can New Innovations Arrest the Decline of Print Advertising?

Reports of decline in print advertising figures have led to a rise in digital advertising figures...so what's next?

It's (probably) not the first time you've heard that 'print advertising is in decline.' Advertisers are spending less on print ads, either because they have a smaller budget for advertising in the first place, or because they are putting that money into digital. But print still commands trust and action - 44% of customers visit a brand website after receiving direct-mail marketing (via DMR). So is it now a case of finding new ways to connect via print?
Many consumers trust print, and the tactile nature of print materials offer an appeal to the senses that digital cannot even begin to approach. So,what are some new and evolving forms of print advertising that might help dig it out of its current slump?

Conductive ink

Conductive ink connects print related items (billboards, posters and street signs) to the digital landscape - through touch.  
Sounds exciting, but is this just another short-lived gimmick? Contently.com provides a fuller explanation of just how conductive ink works, and how it could help revitalize print advertising. Click here to read the full article

How does it work in real life?

Take a look at Schwartz 'Sound of Taste' campaign.

They created an interactive poster to help demonstrate the effects their herbs and spices have on the senses. The inks were touch sensitive - helping to make the poster interactive.  

Wall printing

Not really a new form of advertising, but the latest technology helps to push it up the ranks in our books. Using a good quality picture, Zeescape can replicate your picture (up to 2.5 m high and unlimited width) on varied surfaces....including, plaster walls, render, glass, wood, tiles, steel, canvas and blinds.

How does it work in real life?

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