Saturday, 25 April 2015

Print-on-Demand – Production Automation

Print-on-Demand – Production Automation

In today’s competitive online-printing market, there is a major factor that helps reducing the production cost. This factor is manufacturing automation that reduces the manpower cost and as a result the print product prices become more affordable. Automation should be done in few levels.
Print-on-Demand – Production Automation

Online proof – Enabling end users to review the finished product online and approve it without the need to manually prepare a proof and approve it with the customer via emails communication.
JDF – Job Definition File – Creating an XML file with each order, the file will include all the job details and will connect automatically to the production site.
Workflow Management – Online management tools to help automating the production process, viewing the status of each job and enabling the production manager to save time and do the work in the most efficient way.
Completing these major parts of the production process will reduce the product cost and will help to stay competitive and improve your Web-to-Print business.

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